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AFABA began as a group of dedicated artists wanting to improve their body art skills. We began to jam monthly which progressed to incorporate a separate monthly meeting. Since we were doing the basics of a formal committee we decided to form an association with the purpose of promoting body painting.
Since 2009 we have achieved:
A formal and legally recognised Not for Profit  Association
• Sponsorship of two Melbourne Body Art Competitions, with the expectation to sponsor other events
• Raised the body art profile through media and community events
• A core group that along with models and photographers are willing participants in the promotion of body painting.
• Consistent jamming which has produced a huge volume of work used for each artist’s personal folio and contributed to their skill base and speed levels.

After scrutinizing our Mission statement AFABA has decided on the direction it would like to follow.  Overall it focuses on the development of body painting. This will be through jams and support to body and face painting events. The next pages will outline our direction in detail, however if you are interested in forming or being part of a sub-group, please contact us for more information.

Mission Statement:1.

  1. To raise the level of awareness of, appreciation for and to generate interest in Face & Body painting;

  2. To educate the general community about Face &Body painting;

  3. To foster the artistic development of Face & Body artists;

  4. To conduct and sponsor exhibitions, displays and demonstrations of Face & Body Painting;

  5. To offer awards, prizes and bursaries to meritorious Face & Body artists;

  6. To offer opportunity for Face & Body artists to gain publicity and recognition of their work;

  7. To contribute generally to the development and promotion of Face & Body Painting in Victoria and elsewhere;

  8. To develop, market and utilize a directory of members who are Face & Body artists, photographers, models and people from other associated industry.

Most of what is outlined above will be achieved through events, fund raisers and networking via the AFABA website.
Member participation and interaction is important to our success. We believe that the body art jams are the crux of the organisation and generally they are a great place to nurture talent and inspire new comers, allowing experienced artists to set an example.
AFABA wants to encourage national participation and we want to help to set up and maintain similar jams interstate.  In doing so AFABA hopes to provide an “umbrella” that unites all in the industry. This will strengthen all our potential for the future as body artists and simultaneously attract participants from other professions to share the network we continue to build. AFABA hopes to have a “Bi –yearly Collaborative Super Jam “ which will be held in states other than Melbourne to help raise awareness and unify the association.
Any monies taken from jams or membership are injected back into AFABA with the purpose of providing sponsorship, grants for events, and the running of the website.  All our committee members are volunteers and no personal financial gain is made from this income.

If you have any enquiries or want to contribute in some way please contact us.

You may also contact any of our committee members

read below...

Australasian Face and Body painting Association. ( A.F.A.B.A)
About Us...
AFABA and FACE are uniting.
Details to come.
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